Friday, November 17, 2017

How To Handle Disappointment
Disappointment occurs or arises in us when we held high expectation regarding something or on someone but things actually don’t work out the way we wanted it to be. This feeling of disappointment makes us feel low and defeated. Disappointment is quite an uncomfortable feeling. We have no idea how exactly we feel, like our we angry upset hurt or sad and many other feelings, but one thing we can say about disappointment is, it’s a negative feeling, whatever feeling generates through disappointment is negative and this negativity will not allow us to feel good.

Tip 1. Accept your feelings:

The very first thing you need to do at the time of Disappointment is to acknowledge your feeling. What exactly you are feeling in that situation. if you are disappointed accept it and make it clear to yourself that yes you are disappointed and then ask yourself what made you feel so bad. Why are you feeling disappointed?

Your thoughts is the most important key, for example, If you have expected more than 70 percent but you haven’t got that much, how your thoughts will form that thing will eventually trigger your feeling of disappointment.

Ones you understand you’re thought and emotions, overcoming that feeling of disappointment become easy.

Tip 2. Don’t be afraid to let it out:

At the time of disappointment allow yourself to feel what actually you are feeling,  and just get over it. Just go through that feeling think about it and just take your time until and unless you don’t feel good. Here I am not telling you to lock yourself for month weeks or years, but to have your own time at the time of disappointment and feel your emotion and get over it, and do remember do not cry for the same thing again and again. Ones you get over it, it’s done and you don’t have to look back.

Tip 3. Remember its temporary:

You need to understand that disappointment is temporary, you feel bad only till the time you have negative feeling about any situation, Like you tried doing something but it didn’t happen the way you wanted it to be, so feeling of disappointment occurs, but you need to learn from that disappointment and need to move forward, it’s ok if things don’t turn out the way you wanted and there must be many times, when things didn’t do well but it always thought you a new lesson and learning new things never fails you, so understand its temporary and you have the strength to move on and overcome it.




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